Emotional and Psychological Blockages

Méthode de Remédiation Yersin Alexandru Zdrobau

Emotional blockages and anxiety were among the psychological manifestations of COVID-19. The psychologies of lockdown and the anxiety surrounding sudden finitude will leave a mark on the years 2020-2021. People’s usual interests abruptly shifted toward epidemics and infections. The economy, which once dominated global development, is no longer the main concern. There is even nostalgia for local life or stability. Attention has turned to the social, cultural, and psychological effects of the crisis. Some will seek scapegoats, while others will try to overcome the hardships that have strained our minds and health. Psychotherapists’ and psychiatrists’ offices are overwhelmed. Why not turn to a new discipline of alternative and natural medicine for support?.

Emotional blockages and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic

The emotional burdens of everyone are immense. It is foreseeable that these emotions may turn into psychological trauma, whether in the near or distant future. Doctors, nurses, caregivers, and paramedics face these challenges with great courage. The second line continues to work tirelessly. Fear grips everyone—not only for themselves but also for their families and close friends. But what about their psychological support during these difficult times? Should we passively wait, hoping that things will get better tomorrow?

When analyzing the medical field, we notice that despite the urgent need for support and guidance, the available helplines are not widely used. Is it time to turn to alternative methods, such as those found in natural and holistic medicine? Perhaps exploring a different understanding of reality is a true alternative solution for many. What if a few healing sessions and an attentive ear could truly contribute to your well-being? What if our reality was not just what we are shown?

Louis Yersin offers his help in various fields, including healing, massage, and coaching. Flash therapy (one problem = one remote energy healing session based on questionnaires) has also proven to be remarkably effective.

It is never too early to anticipate and prevent tomorrow’s trauma.

Emotional disorders can create trauma.

Psychic and emotional shocks arrive suddenly, without warning. Your usual environment is disrupted as rarely before. We are socially and familially isolated, fearing contamination. We speak only when necessary, our words are limited.

The constraint on expression itself strongly influences our psychology and risks causing trauma. Without a doubt, we long to be able to “talk for the sake of talking.” The blockage of speech becomes—or could become—an emotional and psychological blockage.

The healer, the one who enables healing by giving you the keys to heal yourself, can help you maintain mental well-being through attentive listening. Massage, as well as coaching—especially couple’s coaching—are other means of both psychological and physiological support.

Seeking help from a healer can allow traumatized individuals to emotionally let go. Avoiding stagnation in painful events, and breaking the cycle of continuously reliving difficult situations, is key. In this way, dialogue and the healer’s questions can immediately address the suffering of tomorrow.


Les chocs psychiques et émotionnels arrivent soudainement, sans prévenir. Tout votre environnement habituel est perturbé, comme rarement. Nous sommes isolés socialement, familialement, par crainte de contamination. On ne parle que si cela est nécessaire, nos paroles sont limitées.

La contrainte d’expression, en elle-même, influe fortement sur nos psychologies et risque d’engendrer un trauma. Sans aucun doute, nous souhaitons pouvoir “parler pour ne rien dire”. Le blocage de la parole devient ou pourrait être amené à devenir un blocage émotionnel, psychologique.

Le guérisseur, celui qui permet à la guérison d’advenir en vous donnant les clés pour vous guérir par vous-même, peut vous aider à maintenir une santé mentale, par une écoute attentive. Le massage ainsi que le coaching, notamment le coaching de couple sont d’autres moyens de soutien psychiques et physiologiques.

Avoir recours au guérisseur peut aider les personnes traumatisées à lâcher prise émotionnellement. Ne pas rester et demeurer sur les événements difficiles, ressasser sans cesse les situations sont la clé. En cela, le dialogue et les questions du guérisseur peuvent remédier immédiatement au mal de demain.

Post-traumatic disturbances

Life is not a long, quiet river. When a person recovers from an illness and escapes death (or its expected consequences), they often experience euphoria. However, they do not immediately regain their mental health—time and support are necessary. The psyche has been put to the test. Mental resilience varies from person to person, but some may literally collapse. Post-traumatic consequences must be addressed and treated by therapists.

A few healing sessions and tailored support undoubtedly help in finding the path back to a normal social life. Feeling supported is especially important in post-traumatic treatments.

The healer treats sleep disorders during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Covid-19 disrupts everyone’s sleep. The entire planet is called upon to sleep well to allow bodies to recover. Sleeping well and feeling good are not empty words. Consumers who rely on anxiolytics to cope with insomnia understand the benefits of restorative sleep. Since early 2020, with the introduction of lockdowns, everyone has been put to the test. Moreover, no one is immune to the overconsumption of media. To regain some calm, perhaps we should start by stepping back from the defining phenomenon of the 20th century: 24-hour news.

Treating anxiety and distress at the root of sleep disorders is one of Louis Yersin’s recurring missions. Indeed, when healing the human soul, it becomes evident that life is no smooth journey for mental health. When the body’s health is compromised, it affects the psyche, and vice versa. Physiological and mental balance are the keys to well-being and health.

See also: How to… listen to your heart.