The exercise might make you smile, right? And besides, it’s been a long time since you stopped believing in fairy tales, hasn’t it?
And yet, if we take an honest and direct look at all our frustrations, our shortcomings, our sacrifices, and our regrets, we might see things more clearly and move forward in our understanding of ourselves.
Since we don’t seem satisfied with our fate—since something in our love life, career, family, or any other aspect isn’t working properly—it means that something is stuck somewhere. And what if, by some miracle, we could unlock it?
Let’s dwell on this idea for a moment. If, by sheer chance, you were handed a magic wand, capable of solving any of your problems, freeing you once and for all from what burdens you, hinders you, or prevents you from moving forward—or even granting you access to the very thing you’ve always dreamed of but never managed to achieve—and if you had only one chance to use it before having to return it, what would you do?
Goodness, seen this way, it’s enough to leave you bewildered! Imagine! It’s not every day that such an opportunity arises! So why not seize it to gain clarity and pinpoint the number one problem we face today?
What is the purpose of a magic wand?
Of course, this step, the first in a session of metaphysical repair that I offer, can be extremely simple: “I have suffered from insomnia and nightmares all my life,” or “I struggle with obesity without any apparent medical explanation.” In such cases, we can immediately begin the holistic analysis, the second step of the healing session.
However, when expressing what is wrong in our lives, we might also hear something like, “I want to break up with this person, but I can’t.” This statement opens up a wide range of investigative possibilities. Has the relationship reached its natural end, requiring closure despite a deep emotional attachment? Or is there something in the other person that fulfills an unmet need, making it difficult to leave? Has the relationship become toxic, yet they hold power over me? Or does the relationship push me beyond my current capacity for self-growth, requiring a profound reassessment of who I am?
As you can see, it would be premature to use the magic wand without at least some introspection and rigorous analysis.
But how can we improve our lives if we don’t precisely identify what is wrong?
The therapist is there to guide you, step by step, in identifying what is preventing you from being your true self—the way you truly wish to be.
And what about the magic wand? When can we finally use it?
Not just yet… but soon! Be patient!
Does every problem have a cause?
Once the problem has been identified, we must still trace it back to its cause.
Is there always a cause? And how can we be sure we’re not targeting the wrong one?
Premise: Every human being is designed to function without “malfunctioning,” to be in good health without falling ill, to enjoy their physical and mental integrity without any deterioration… unless their body, mind, or soul has something specific to communicate—something they haven’t been paying enough attention to. If that’s the case, all means are valid to catch our attention…
Consequence of our premise (better known through the saying “Every problem has a solution”)—the cause of our distress must exist somewhere, and we just have to look for it to find it (after all, why should it be impossible?).
This process of tracing things back to their source identifies the core issue—the root of the dysfunction. It is the final step of the session itself, preceding the remediation or metaphysical repair.
And what about the magic wand?
Well, now is the perfect time to take it out and use it!
It is the process that, based on a precise definition of your issue, enables you to heal your inner being and restore your original integrity, before the trauma. It is absolute faith, accompanied by intentional prayers, in the vision of a healed self. By embracing a harmonious vision of yourself, and following the guidance I provide, you will be able to create this reality.
Because ultimately, in order to create your reality, you must first perceive it. And to perceive it, you need clarity about who you are today.
So, with a wand in hand, it might just turn out to be magical!
Don’t wait any longer!
Take control of your health, believe in healing, whatever form it may take, and give yourself the means to feel better.
You have the power to heal—take it.
With all my love.