The fears of happiness and social life

Peur du bonheur

The phobias of happiness and social life can ruin many opportunities. Cherophobia is less common than the fear of spiders. However, its consequences can be disastrous. These phobias ruin career opportunities and shatter simple family happiness.

The phobias of happiness and social life ruin our opportunities.

People who are cherophobic often suffer from a nostalgic state. They frequently regret the happiness they cannot grasp. They often reject joy and social sharing because they believe it is not meant for them. While identifying arachnophobia is quite straightforward, this phobia is more informal. The patient must uncover the experience that left a negative mark on them.

Cases often include children who lacked physical contact, hugs, and kisses from their parents. The household atmosphere was likely cold.

In other instances, the patient has gone through breakups that have led to an obsessive fear. They refuse to relive a similar experience and, as a result, sabotage present opportunities. “I don’t want to suffer again, so I won’t start a relationship that could lead to it.”

There is also the phobia of social relationships. Often, the root cause is a particular event, such as a company party, where the patient felt disrespected. This unspoken source leads to problematic social behavior. The patient fears gathering with colleagues, dreads having to communicate, and is anxious about expressing themselves.

Social and therapeutic support

To address the root causes, the healer asks the patient to revisit past experiences. However, this time, the patient has a better awareness of the real causes and their effects. The emotional impact will be less painful because they are guided through this return to past trauma.

Louis Yersin also offers social support, not just therapeutic assistance. He helps the patient find their voice again, giving expression to what was previously unspoken. The remediation method proposed by Louis Yersin, along with his music workshops and talking circles, provides real opportunities to rediscover joy.

When a patient struggles with an inability to access happiness or simple social relationships, consultation is necessary. Sometimes, just a few sessions are enough to overcome these fears and uncontrolled impulses. Self-fulfillment and well-being depend on it. In some cases, we must let go of certain self-perceptions without losing our integrity.