« On the path to healing the soul, there are people sent from heaven…
Louis Yersin has a gift for listening and responding with the precision of a master craftsman.»
Sophie Keller, astrologer and author of the bestseller The Sky Will Help You.
Louis Yersin, healer in French-speaking Switzerland
Healer in French-speaking Switzerland, based in Lausanne since 2020, Louis Yersin offers various personal development approaches that he integrates into his holistic therapy, including coaching, massage, and Tarot reading according to the Sébastien Michel method.
The reasons for consulting a healer are not always rational, yet altenative medicines, such as the practice of secret healing, are deeply rooted in traditions in French-speaking Switzerland. Indeed, they help us regain control over our emotions, thoughts, fears, or anxieties—without us fully understanding how the magic works.
In Switzerland, Georges Delaloye is one of its most prominent representatives.
Whether it’s a feeling, an apprehension, a fear, or an addiction (such as anorexia or drugs) that disturbs you, or even health issues, healing sessions can help. They restore the individual to their full integrity, allowing them to redefine themselves at their origin, before the alteration of their being, before the appearance of disorders.
Often, a trauma, an accident, or a dramatic event is the cause of this alteration. However, it can also stem from a misunderstood phrase, an unsettling situation, or a thought formed at a precise moment—one that no longer holds truth or necessity today. This is particularly true of core beliefs shaped in childhood, which remain active deep within our subconscious.
The work of biologist Bruce Lipton on the power of the subconscious over our cells (and even our DNA!) is particularly remarkable in this regard.
The remediation method proposed by Louis Yersin is a metaphysical healing process. The healer gently returns to the place and moment of the deep being’s alteration, allowing this memory to be transformed in a profound, complete, and lasting way.
Reasons to consult
Throughout life, everyone experiences conflicting events that can create trauma.
These challenges are often the root cause of dysfunctions, shaping our behavior as well as our mental and physical balance.
Added to this are karmic and transgenerational memories, which can influence and alter our free will.
As a result, without being able to consciously link cause and effect, we sometimes endure the consequences of deeply buried events long after they have occurred, and in an unconscious manner.
Healer in the Canton of Vaud
The Yersin Method is an alternative medicine practice focused on personal well-being. It considers the different dimensions of being—emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual—without requiring any specific beliefs.
It includes several approaches: : distance healing, massage, and Tarot reading, which helps visualize the year ahead and prepare for it more effectively.
Kobido, on the other hand, the ancient art of naturally “lifting” the face, delivers truly spectacular results.
What exactly is a healer?"Healer" is a broad term that encompasses various profiles and different practices. In Switzerland, healers are recognized and work in collaboration with state institutions, such as penitentiary centers or hospitals like the CHUV in Lausanne.A wide…
Sleep disorders, which can lead to insomnia, disrupt our nights… and ruin our days. Poor sleep can be disastrous for our family, romantic, and professional life. It can also have serious consequences for our health. These disorders affect insomniacs like…
Eczema, psoriasis, extreme itching, dark skin spots… The skin is one of the very first indicators of what we carry inside. And yet, it seems possible to be in perfect health otherwise… while still experiencing real skin issues. So, what…
" I cannot live without being in love; it is my reason for being. It makes me both joyful and sad at the same time—I don’t know why, but it’s an irrepressible need. In fact, I couldn’t do without it,…
How does a healing session with Louis Yersin take place?It is both original and methodical. We start from the premise that human beings are meant to function normally, without disorders or dysfunctions. In other words, if something is not right,…
Trauma and Psychology
Our lives are filled with numerous events, both joyful and challenging.
When misunderstood or unresolved, these experiences can lead to blockages, tension, anxiety, or even illness.
However, these traumas can be healed gently and naturally by tracing back to the source of the emotional shock.
Massage, with its simultaneously gentle and powerful approach, helps open one’s perceptions and create new perspectives. It provides physical, psychological, and emotional support.
Healer in French-speaking Switzerland
I stumbled upon Mr. Yersin’s website by chance and thought, why not give it a try? I had nothing to lose. To be honest, when I first read about his method, I was a bit skeptical and even a little nervous. But during the session, Mr. Yersin was incredibly kind and attentive. It took time to uncover the real issue, but he never gave up, and thanks to his work, he identified the blockage that was holding me back from truly living.
As a result, I started noticing small changes that, in the end, led to a profound transformation. I learned a lot about myself and was finally able to move forward. I still have a journey ahead, but thanks to Mr. Yersin, I have finally started to live.
Thank you to him for his work and his dedication to helping lost souls find their way again.
He is kind, attentive, and, most importantly, his magic works, which is simply fantastic. He knows how to ask the right questions and understand a situation, even the most complex one, with no judgment and great sensitivity.
Through his incredible work, he freed me from a limiting belief that had been deeply rooted in my mind since childhood—and I’m 50 years old. He is available, caring, and truly attentive.
A huge thank you to him!
Whether by phone, Skype, or even FaceTime, the process is flexible. He takes the time to thoroughly understand the issue during the big session, and later in the day, he follows up to explain everything once the work is done. His insight is astonishing—he gets to the root of the problem while helping you look ahead, making life suddenly make sense.
From the very first night, I slept! Then, ongoing support helps reinforce this newfound well-being through shared audio recordings. Truly liberating! Thanks to this journey and Louis’s incredibly powerful prayers, I feel alive again!
It’s a true rebirth that I wish for all insomnia sufferers—the tunnel is behind me, and now the door is open to endless possibilities. Thank you!
From the very beginning, I was struck by his exceptional ability to listen. With undeniable efficiency, he managed to synthesize my story, trace the source of my anxieties, and pinpoint the triggering event. By the end of the session, I already felt I had a clearer understanding of where my fears and anxieties stemmed from.
What I appreciated most was the participatory nature of the process, which allowed me to be actively engaged in every step. His insights and guidance provided great support, and the positive, lasting effects are undeniable.
I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone struggling with trauma or anxiety they cannot seem to overcome to seek relief through this approach.
Louis, with a different approach, will ask you to tell your story, then investigate thoroughly, leaving no path unexplored, digging until he gathers all the necessary information. He does not count his hours—he takes and gives the time needed to uncover your truth.
Once he reaches the root cause, he will share his analysis with you, and as you listen, both surprised and deeply moved, your journey toward healing will begin. A journey in which you will play an active, clear, and precise role, guided by Louis. The results will soon be felt. Transformation will take root, deeply and lastingly—two fundamental elements.
Thank you, Louis, to you and your guides. Thank you for taking me where I had never managed to go. And thank you for everything else. Ces maux, ces traumatismes, qui impactent notre vie de manière douloureuse sans que nous parvenions à les guérir. Par diverses thérapies, nous essayons de comprendre, nous creusons. L’enfance, les parents, les relations, nous scannons notre vie actuelle, voire celles qui ont précédé. Parfois, si nous ne trouvons pas réellement la source, comprendre ne suffit pas. Un blocage subsiste encore. Louis, par une approche différente, vous demandera de vous raconter, puis investiguera, n’omettra aucune piste, creusera jusqu’à récolter toutes les informations dont il a besoin. Louis ne compte pas ses heures, il prend/offre le temps nécessaire à découvrir votre vérité. Une fois parvenu à la source, il vous fera part de son analyse, puis tout surpris et chamboulé que vous serez à son écoute, commencera alors le chemin vers la guérison. Chemin dans lequel vous aurez une part active, claire et précise, transmise pour Louis. Les résultats se feront alors rapidement ressentir. La transformation s’installera en profondeur et dans le temps, deux éléments fondamentaux. Merci Louis, à vous et à vos guides. Merci de m’avoir emmené là où je n’avais pas encore réussi à aller. Et merci pour tout le reste.