How to get rid of skin problems?

Problèmes de peau

Eczema, psoriasis, extreme itching, dark skin spots… The skin is one of the very first indicators of what we carry inside. And yet, it seems possible to be in perfect health otherwise… while still experiencing real skin issues. So, what could the skin be a symptom of? Our inner state? But if everything is functioning well internally, what else could be at play?

Here we are again, faced with another intriguing puzzle to solve—the case of Sandrine B., whose body was covered from head to toe with nearly every skin condition imaginable. To the point that she had to disinfect herself, cover her skin with gauze, and take antibiotics. At this stage of the story, while her life wasn’t in immediate danger, it was still concerning, and her daily life was undoubtedly suffering greatly.

Speaking of concerns, there was an undeniable sense of impatience, energy, and inner fire radiating from her—qualities that didn’t seem to align with her current life, professional situation, or ambitions. A lot of untapped potential, in short.
Upon further discussion, she described herself as feeling “dimmed,” “frustrated,” or “disappointed.” This first observation is quite revealing, leading us to consider skin issues as an expression of frustration, distress, or disillusionment with life.

The key is to understand why (and the moment when symptoms first appeared is often the starting point for identifying the root cause) the body has chosen to manifest dysfunction in this way and what underlying issue it is signaling.

Simply put: “Why do I have skin problems?”

Comment traiter les problèmes de peau

En effet, le médecin réfléchira aux causes physiques, biologiques, chimiques, le naturopathe aux causes alimentaires, de mode de vie ou d’environnement, quant-à-nous, nous nous pencherons sur les causes d’origines métaphysiques et existentielles.
Notons au passage que notre travail arrive souvent en bout de chaîne, quand malheureusement les premières approches thérapeutiques n’ont pas abouti (pour de multiples raisons sans lien avec la compétence du praticien).
Et nous constatons que bien souvent la cause existentielle de nos maux précède toute autre cause, parce qu’elle se trouve être là des le départ, depuis la petite enfance généralement, puis soigneusement enfouie dans les tréfonds de notre inconscient.
Revenons à notre patiente. L’analyse approfondie de son histoire a révélé que derrière  les sentiments qui l’habitaient (frustration, déception) se cachaient toute une forêt de « qualités d’être » lacunaires : abondance, autosuffisance, profusion, complétude, autonomie, liberté… Et toute une forêt de « qualités d’avoir » bien trop marquées : division, séparation, manque, abandon, dépendance.

Why do I have skin problems?

But these qualities of being have a particular trait: they are universal and inalienable. This means that a traumatic episode in our childhood can give us the (incredibly powerful) feeling—strong enough to shape our reality!—of being deprived of them. This, in turn, can trigger a whole range of emotions described above, which themselves contribute to the alteration of our deepest self. This manifests as an immediate reaction (one that persists until we bring everything to light): a dysfunction in our health, psyche, or spirituality.

The body then chooses the most precise, most suitable tool to express the trauma—the original wound. But this language is encoded! It consists of symbols, connections, and logic that escape our usual way of thinking. It can only be deciphered by being, in a way, “connected” to a source higher than ourselves. As if, to truly understand ourselves, we needed to see from a “higher” perspective.

By tracing things back to the source, it became possible to identify this young woman’s traumatic episode, decode her body’s language, and proceed with the metaphysical healing that led her toward recovery.

So don’t wait any longer—take charge of your health, believe in healing, whatever form it may take, and give yourself the means to feel better. You have the power to heal—embrace it.