“Insomnia, nightmares, unnecessary thoughts, anxieties…
Does this sound familiar?
Sleep, along with the immune system and intestinal transit, is one of the pillars responsible for our daily well-being, and we cannot do without it in a qualitative way.
Why is your sleep disturbed? Why can’t you sleep anymore? Why is rest being denied to you? And how can insomnia problems be resolved?
All areas must be explored: work stress, disharmony in the family, various traumas, buried fears, or even… existential problems.
Yes, you read that right, sleep disturbance can stem from an existential problem, that is, one that directly concerns our relationship to the world, our relationship to being — in this case, our being — and the meaning our life has taken over a certain period.”
Why do we have insomnia?
“One of the cases I had to treat originates in childhood, meaning the patient had been suffering from sleep disorders (insomnia, violent nightmares, and sleepless nights) since childhood, for over 50 years!
So what had happened back then?
A childhood filled with abuse, both physical and verbal violence, had created the foundation for an existential denial. “I am not allowed to live” was the root thought buried deep within this being.
In response, survival strategies were put in place by the little girl at the time, allowing her to cope, more or less, to function somewhat normally, but at what cost in terms of suffering, at the price of superhuman efforts!
Sleep was not spared, as sleeping represented a threat to survival. That’s why it was necessary to cut ties with this past reality.”
How to solve the problem of insomnia?
Naturally, it is not possible for us to realize what might have happened in our mind 50 years ago, or even sometimes a few months earlier, as the brain produces so much information per minute that most of it is unconscious!
But the healing session makes its way through these thoughts to touch the heart of the problem, and the remediation cuts the ties with the cause.
Not only do you become aware of what might have happened, but you are now detached from it! It’s as if this past no longer belongs to you!
Sleep is too precious not to do everything for it. It is a time when cells, the brain, muscles, and our entire body regenerate, allowing us to face the next day in full possession of our abilities, completely refreshed!
Do not wait any longer, take your health into your own hands, believe in healing, whatever it may be, and give yourself the means to feel better. You deserve it, you can do it.