How to treat insomnia?

soigner insomnies et troubles du sommeil

Sleep disorders, which can lead to insomnia, disrupt our nights… and ruin our days. Poor sleep can be disastrous for our family, romantic, and professional life. It can also have serious consequences for our health. These disorders affect insomniacs like daily obstacles, preventing them from experiencing carefreeness and the joy of living.

Sleep disorders and insomnia ruin our daily lives.

People suffering from sleep disorders struggle during the day to regain their full capacities at all costs. They often expend a considerable amount of energy to refocus and be present for others. They lack the necessary energy to complete even the simplest tasks and also find it difficult to relax throughout the day. As night approaches, things worsen.

Identifying the problem may seem simple; however, the causes can be multiple. The patient must uncover the experience that negatively impacted them. One common case is that of a child who grew up in an insecure environment, forcing them to remain in a constant state of vigilance. This trauma is enough to program them never to truly rest.

In other cases, the patient has taken on professional responsibilities that challenge their self-worth. They may feel inadequate for the position, leading to intense anxiety about failure. “I don’t want anyone to realize that I’m not suited for this job. More than anything, I fear that it might become obvious.”

There are also traumas linked to past violence, often experienced in childhood and sometimes unconsciously perpetuated into adulthood. Frequently, the source is a close figure—a parent, guardian, or educator—who instilled a deep fear of punishment. Later, this fear can be triggered by others with similar characteristics, whether in physical appearance, behavior, or even family ties. This perpetuates a cycle of internal conflict, leading to imbalances and health issues. The patient lives in constant fear of experiencing violence again, resulting in persistent anxiety and chronic sleep deprivation.

Social and therapeutic support

To address the causes, the healer asks the patient to describe the experienced situation. However, this time, the patient is guided to understand the true causes of the trauma and its effects. The experience will be less painful as they are accompanied in this return to the past trauma.

Louis Yersin also offers massage as a complementary therapy. It gives the body a voice again, with the sensory approach complementing the healing session. The remediation method proposed by Louis Yersin, along with the massages, provides a true opportunity to restore inner harmony and heal the soul.

When a patient suffers from the inability to recover due to restless nights, sometimes filled with nightmares, a consultation is necessary to regain restorative sleep. In some cases, a single session is enough to sever the ties at the root of the trauma and trigger immediate self-fulfillment. The well-being achieved is then long-lasting. In certain cases, it is necessary to eliminate deep-seated thoughts and replace them with new ones.