What exactly is a healer?
“Healer” is a broad term that encompasses various profiles and different practices. In Switzerland, healers are recognized and work in collaboration with state institutions, such as penitentiary centers or hospitals like the CHUV in Lausanne.
A wide range of ailments have already been treated, from bothersome warts to herniated discs, as well as insomnia and anxiety.
Healers as a Complement to Conventional Medicine
Some psychological or health disorders cannot be resolved through a conventional approach. Therapies follow one another, medications no longer have an effect, and we no longer know where to turn to ease our suffering. It is then time to question what is preventing us from healing—the trauma at the root of our illness, which continues to work in silence, impossible to detect without external help.
Some healers, like the faiseurs de secret (FDS), invoke a saint and recite a short prayer, which can prove effective. Others, called magnetizers, work with energies to realign the mind, body, and soul. Finally, rebouteux heal through direct physical contact with the patient, often treating bodily ailments.
In all cases, the healer must act as a complement to the treatment the patient is following and respect the allopathic approach. The therapist’s method allows the dysfunction to be addressed from another angle, by tackling its deep-rooted cause. A holistic approach to the patient encourages consideration of all aspects of life, leaving nothing out. The healer is generally seen as a conduit—someone through whom energies and subtle fluids flow, capable of transforming reality. True power comes from above.
The healer must therefore be aware of their role, their limitations, and the scope of their possible actions. During the first contact, they listen to the patient’s requests. Based on the required type of therapy, they determine a healing approach or guide the patient toward another method. This initial connection often restores confidence in one’s ability to grow and heal. The patient opens up to new possibilities and becomes available to reconsider what they once believed to be irreversible.
Certains troubles du psychisme ou de la santé ne parviennent pas être résolus par une approche classique. Les thérapies s’enchaînent, les médicaments ne font plus effet. Nous ne savons plus vers qui nous tourner pour apaiser nos maux. Il est alors temps de se questionner sur ce qui nous empêche de guérir. Ce traumatisme à l’origine de notre maladie qui continue d’oeuvrer en silence, impossible à déceler sans aide extérieure. Certains guérisseurs comme les faiseurs de secret – FDS – invoquent un Saint et effectue une courte prière, qui peut se révéler efficace. D’autres appelés magnétiseurs vont travailler sur les énergies afin de remettre l’esprit, le corps, l’âme en place. Enfin, les rebouteux vont soigner en ayant un contact direct avec le patient, souvent des maladies du corps.
Dans tous les cas, il appartient au guérisseur de venir en complément du traitement que le patient suit, et respecter la démarche allopathique. L’approche du thérapeute permet d’aborder le dysfonctionnement sous un autre angle, en partant de la cause profonde. Une approche holistique du patient va l’amener à considérer tous les aspects de la sa vie, sans rien négliger. Le guérisseur se définit généralement comme un transmetteur, celui par qui transite des énergies et des fluides subtils à même de transformer une réalité. Le vrai pouvoir vient d’en haut.
Le guérisseur doit donc être conscient de son rôle, de ses limites, et du champ de son action possible. Lors du premier contact il écoute les requêtes du patient. Au vu du champ de thérapie requis, il convient d’un mode de réalisation de guérison, ou le conseille vers une autre approche. Cette première mise en relation redonne souvent confiance aux personnes sur leur capacité à évoluer et à guérir. Le patient s’ouvre sur de nouvelles possibilités, se rend disponible pour reconsidérer ce qu’il prenait pour irrémédiable.
What is a healer through remediation?
To remedy the causes, the reconciliatory healer asks the patient to describe their ailment. The patient is guided to understand the real causes of the trauma and its effects. The experience will be less painful as they are accompanied in this return to the past trauma.
Louis Yersin also offers massage as a therapeutic complement. He gives the body a voice again, with a sensory approach that complements the healing session. The remediation method proposed by Louis Yersin, along with the massages, provides real opportunities to restore harmony to the being and heal the soul.
When a person suffers from an inability to heal despite numerous attempts, a consultation becomes necessary to regain full balance in their life. Sometimes, a single session is enough to sever the ties at the root of the trauma and trigger an immediate sense of self-fulfillment. The well-being that follows is lasting. It is then said that the past has been recreated in a new version, more favorable to the individual.