Treating anxiety begins with an intimate awareness of the psychological disturbance created. Emotional blockages and anxieties suddenly disrupt our once well-paced lives. The daily news forces us to confront our own finitude. The usual concerns have abruptly shifted towards epidemics and infections. The economy, which once marked global development, is no longer the primary topic. We even long for the boredom of our pre-pandemic daily lives. Everyone is focused on the social, cultural, and psychological effects. Some will look for scapegoats, while others will seek ways to overcome the psychological and physiological challenges. The offices of psychotherapists and psychiatrists are overwhelmed. The emotional burdens of everyone are heavy. It is likely that these emotions will transform into psychological traumas, whether in the near or distant future.
Why not seek help through a new discipline of alternative and natural medicine? It is never too early to anticipate and prevent the traumas of tomorrow.
Treating anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Taking care of anxiety is not difficult if one understands its deep-rooted causes.
Emotional shocks occur suddenly and trigger numerous psychological disturbances. Your familiar environment is overturned, as rarely happens. Points of reference disappear. We find ourselves socially and family isolated. The risk of trauma is significant.
Sleep disorders and anxiety are the first disruptions to our mental health.
However, this is natural. Yet, we cannot let it intensify. But how can we regain the restorative sleep we so desperately lack? Reducing information intake and avoiding the incessant stream of media is probably the first necessary step.
At the same time, taking the time to learn about the support offered by alternative medicine is essential. Aware of these needs, Louis Yersin, beyond his healing practice, offers numerous complementary activities, both remotely and in person. In addition to healing sessions, massage therapy and art therapy workshops have become effective ways to remedy sleep disorders.
Music is an excellent therapy for anxiety
Art therapy draws upon various artistic disciplines such as drawing, sculpture, and writing for their expressive and creative qualities. Psychotherapists are well aware of these disciplines and use them to encourage mental release.
To detach from mental disturbances and refocus on daily life, music is a highly effective tool. It both stimulates and soothes. Neuroscientific research has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving concentration abilities. Psychologist Hervé Patel has spoken about the importance of the practitioner’s skills and the applied methods.
Massage helps maintain mental health
Massage is a discipline with multiple benefits. It is often perceived as purely relaxing, but its therapeutic aspect is similar to acupressure. Like acupuncture, massage targets various energy points in the body. The primary objective is to release accumulated tensions. Its effects are both psychological and physiological. This practice is particularly appreciated.
Massage provides both gentleness and relaxation, but this is not always the case with therapeutic massage, especially when it focuses on stimulating blocked energy points. The goal is to release endorphins, which greatly contribute to well-being.
During this period of the COVID-19 pandemic, massage has proven to be one of the most effective methods for treating sleep disorders and anxiety. Its benefits, both on the body and the mind, have been recognized and applied in medicine for millennia in Asia. Now, massage therapy is gaining ground in Europe.
Preventing Post-Recovery Risks
For a person who has recovered physiologically, it is essential to prevent the significant risk of trauma. In life, physical healing can lead to emotional blockages. The body has endured a great ordeal, and so has the brain. The brain’s functions must return to their usual state of operation. Preventing post-traumatic risk is a necessity. In this regard, healing sessions play a crucial role. First and foremost, they provide attentive listening. Expressing our inner disturbances helps clear our minds of confusing questions. Numerous disorders accumulate during illness. The mind must be clarified. We must emerge from a troubled state and regain true harmony.
See also:
- Healing the Psychologies of COVID-19 – LY
- Symptoms of Depression: Seasonal, Episodic, Chronic